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John is a Ravenous Reader, and will be returning to University in september to finish a degree in French (and misc). John will get a job in the publishing industry even if it kills him.

Monday, 17 September 2007

Further evidence that I am a Heartless Cur

Robert Jordan, as many of you will know by now, is dead.

Uncharitably, my first reaction was to laugh for about ten minutes. I guess that the "House Greyjoy" mantle is more appropriate than I first thought.

My thoughts go out to his family and close friends, and to his loyal fans who purchased every one of his books in the hopes he'd decide to get to the point.

I guess it's too late now.

Rest in Peace.

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Comments on "Further evidence that I am a Heartless Cur"


Blogger Katie said ... (18 September 2007 at 20:00) : 

The publisher made him outline the last of the series before he died as part of his contract. They are going to have a new author step in and finish his series. Won't be the same... but at least it will be done.


Blogger SQT said ... (22 September 2007 at 08:02) : 

My first thought was about the unfinished series. I feel heartless too, but my God man, what is it? 11 books so far? The people who have read those have put in some time! They deserve some closure.


Blogger Lydia Netzer said ... (2 October 2007 at 00:56) : 

I don't think you're heartless for thinking of that first. For laughing, maybe. Hehehe. But not for leaping straight to that long, ponderous straggle of books leading right off a cliff.


Blogger Chris, The Book Swede said ... (2 October 2007 at 17:08) : 

Are you still alive, Bookie?! I hope so!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (26 January 2011 at 01:29) : 

My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!


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