Will be moving, all book review requests still welcome, but will be postponed a few weeks.

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Now taking recommendations, link requests and criticisms!

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~~Kat Young

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Location: Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

John is a Ravenous Reader, and will be returning to University in september to finish a degree in French (and misc). John will get a job in the publishing industry even if it kills him.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

And here comes the huge Sigh.

I am moving next week.

I have no idea what the house is like, no idea whether it has internet access, how many other people I will be sharing a bathroom with nor who they will be.

Ah, the joys of communal living.

The web-access worries me more than anything else, because I am so used to trawling the web for information about goodness knows what, or random word and name searches. Hopefully this won't affect the (seemingly neglected) site.

Which brings me to something else.

Blogger has been unsatisfactory lately, due to font size and type changes not to mention entire posts simply disappearing as though they had never existed. Most upsetting.

I'm thinking of migrating to wordpress, but it may take me a while to learn how to operate it so I recommend you do not hold your collective breaths.

In the meantime:

  • Check out featured authors in the sidebars.
  • Visit a couple of my fellow reviewer's sites, links available bottom right.
And best of all:
  • Win a £10 Amazon UK voucher-- by emailing me a poem of 60 words or more relating to books and cookies. The most entertaining and creative entry will win the voucher and a small advert for their site (as long as it's appropriate!)
  • If you're interested in entering, email me your poems before 23:59 on the 18th of Sept.

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Comments on "And here comes the huge Sigh."


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12 September 2007 at 01:30) : 

If you need wordpress help email me. I will gladly help!


Blogger Tia Nevitt said ... (12 September 2007 at 10:59) : 

You have the added benefit of being able to switch platforms without affecting your website. I'm contemplating a domain purchase, myself.

Good luck with the move!


Blogger Robert said ... (12 September 2007 at 14:49) : 

Moving is always a chore, so good luck with that and hopefully you'll have Internet access!!! Not sure if I could live without it myself ;)


Blogger Gav's Studio said ... (12 September 2007 at 17:07) : 

No internet(shudders). I had an internet free week when I moved last year and it was quite refreshing and not as bad as I thought.

Another mate of mine is currently internetless and he seems to be doing ok...

It was the moving of all the books that really got me to me. I must have moved 600 or so books.

At least you'll have some more time to read.

Good luck with it all fella.



Blogger Chris, The Book Swede said ... (14 September 2007 at 07:47) : 

Woe, woe, woe...

That could be the first line of my poem?! Moving house isn't fun, though. Come back soon!

I'm entering that poem comp, by the way!

The Book Swede


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