Will be moving, all book review requests still welcome, but will be postponed a few weeks.

Looking for newly published and upcoming authors

Now taking recommendations, link requests and criticisms!

Postcards are “flying bits of joy”

~~Kat Young

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Florida Villa: Florida's Best, at your Request

Editing Fiend

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Location: Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

John is a Ravenous Reader, and will be returning to University in september to finish a degree in French (and misc). John will get a job in the publishing industry even if it kills him.

Monday, 17 September 2007

Further evidence that I am a Heartless Cur

Robert Jordan, as many of you will know by now, is dead.

Uncharitably, my first reaction was to laugh for about ten minutes. I guess that the "House Greyjoy" mantle is more appropriate than I first thought.

My thoughts go out to his family and close friends, and to his loyal fans who purchased every one of his books in the hopes he'd decide to get to the point.

I guess it's too late now.

Rest in Peace.

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Tuesday, 11 September 2007

And here comes the huge Sigh.

I am moving next week.

I have no idea what the house is like, no idea whether it has internet access, how many other people I will be sharing a bathroom with nor who they will be.

Ah, the joys of communal living.

The web-access worries me more than anything else, because I am so used to trawling the web for information about goodness knows what, or random word and name searches. Hopefully this won't affect the (seemingly neglected) site.

Which brings me to something else.

Blogger has been unsatisfactory lately, due to font size and type changes not to mention entire posts simply disappearing as though they had never existed. Most upsetting.

I'm thinking of migrating to wordpress, but it may take me a while to learn how to operate it so I recommend you do not hold your collective breaths.

In the meantime:

  • Check out featured authors in the sidebars.
  • Visit a couple of my fellow reviewer's sites, links available bottom right.
And best of all:
  • Win a £10 Amazon UK voucher-- by emailing me a poem of 60 words or more relating to books and cookies. The most entertaining and creative entry will win the voucher and a small advert for their site (as long as it's appropriate!)
  • If you're interested in entering, email me your poems before 23:59 on the 18th of Sept.

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Saturday, 8 September 2007

House Greyjoy

Your Score: House Greyjoy

90% Dominant, 36% Extroverted, 36% Trustworthy

Brutal. Opportunistic. Unforgiving. Rising again, harder and stronger, you are of House Greyjoy.

You are a dominant personality. Although you are neither the strongest nor the most cunning, you bend the weaknesses of others to your own advantage. Extremely opportunistic, you are the Wendy Pepper of Westeros, letting everyone fall over themselves and get tangled up before springing lightly over the pile of bodies. When others criticize you, you’re more likely to cut out their tongue than lend an ear. Your arrogance is hard-wired into you to such a degree that you barely recognize other human beings to be of your same species, let alone your equals.

You are also introverted, which means that nobody knows what the hell is going on inside your head. Spontaneous and extremely impulsive, your actions will always take people by surprise. As such, it’s unlikely that you have many friends or allies in the wide world; people just don’t find you trustworthy. And there’s a reason for that, too, which is...

You’re untrustworthy! You are opportunistic, greedy, stubborn, and more-than-willing to climb over anyone you must to get to the top. You are unwilling to compromise on anything, and instead of using strategy, you try to eliminate as many of the other players as possible. Let’s face it—by conventional moral standards, you’re just not a very admirable person. Perhaps if you stopped laughing when people cut their fingers off at your dinner parties...?

Representative characters include: Aeron Greyjoy, Asha Greyjoy, and Victarion Greyjoy

Similar Houses: Baratheon, Frey, and Lannister

Opposite House: Tully

When playing the game of thrones, you play it buck naked, flappin’ in the breeze.

Link: The Song of Ice and Fire House Test written by Geeky_Stripper on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Well well well. Not exactly what I was expecting. Just to reassure all of you, I am completely and utterly trustworthy. And my morals are excellent.

I promise.

(Thanks to The Swivet, via Bookswede , for the quiz)

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Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Sorry for the lack of posts, Blogger is gobbling up what I'm posting.

I'll have the review for Read Seas Under Red Skies re-written for the weekend. *sigh*
