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John is a Ravenous Reader, and will be returning to University in september to finish a degree in French (and misc). John will get a job in the publishing industry even if it kills him.

Monday, 16 July 2007

Do you like Harry Potter?

If you're looking to read "The deathly Hallows" spoiler free, do not read on. You have been warned. They're minor spoilers, but what the hey.

Remember, the Journey is more important than the Destination.

Harry and Ginny send their kid to Hogwarts. His name is "Albus Severus".

Ron's mentioned on the last page, but no sign of Hermione. Don't worry, she's alright though.

Please note, I have not read "the Deathly Hallows" and for legal reasons I'm going to cite my source as "coming to me in a dream".


Comments on "Do you like Harry Potter?"


Blogger Chris, The Book Swede said ... (17 July 2007 at 14:38) : 

For about five seconds, i was truly frightened! :)


Blogger John Dent said ... (17 July 2007 at 17:43) : 

I can't guarantee they're hundred percent accurate though. Not until I read it for myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9 June 2008 at 23:45) : 

I think they are fabulous books and the only pity is that they are being pushed at younger and younger readers. My observation is that they would suit readers close to the age of Harry in each book. Some are truly dark stories and don't suit young readers, but that's social pressure for you.


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